Reporting Nursing Home Negligence in Ontario

Neglect in nursing homes happens when residents don’t receive the care they need, leading to physical or mental health issues. If your loved one has suffered in a long-term care or retirement home, we’re here to assist you in understanding the rights and options available for you and your family.

Learn what to do when reporting neglect in an Ontario nursing home.


Taking Legal Actions

If a resident has been neglected, leading to injuries, a civil lawsuit may be appropriate.


Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

Speak to a lawyer specializing in elderly personal injury matters promptly to understand your rights and options. 

Advocai LLP, lawyers for the sick, injured and elderly is investigating long-term care wrongful death and negligence lawsuits for individuals and families in Ontario. 


Report it to the Ministry of Long-Term Care

Any person who has reasonable grounds to suspect abuse of a resident that resulted in harm or risk of harm to a resident, is legally required to report it to the Ministry of Long-Term Care (residents at these homes are exempt from this requirement)

  • Contact the Ministry of Long-Term Care at the Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line 1-866-434-0144
  • They will send an inspector to inspect the home
  • If the home is found to have violated the legal rules pertaining to long-term care homes, the Ministry will issue a report which will be made publicly available at  “Reports on Long-Term Care Homes.”
  • You cannot get compensation out of this process, but the home can be fined and/or required to take steps to remedy the problem


Direct Complaints to the Home

For non-urgent complaints, report the negligence directly to the home to the Director of Care and/or Executive Director at the home


Contact the Patient Ombudsman

If dissatisfied with the Ministry’s resolution, contact the Patient Ombudsman at “Make A Complaint.”

Advocai LLP is actively retained by family members of Long-Term Care and retirement home residents and we handle actions relating to neglect, negligence, abuse and wrongful death in long-term care and retirement homes across Ontario.

Contact us for a free consultation regarding a potential Long-Term Care lawsuit.