Long-Term Care Wrongful Death and Negligence Lawsuits
Advocai LLP – lawyers for the sick, injured and elderly – is investigating Long-Term Care wrongful death and negligence lawsuits for individuals and families in Ontario.
Although horrifying reports have emerged regarding the abuses and neglect at Long-Term Care in Ontario during the Covid-19 pandemic, the lawyers at Advocai understand that these issues are not new. Our lawyers have been advocating for the elderly to stop abuse, prevent neglect and punish those responsible for years, long before these abuses ever made headlines.
We are actively investigating claims against long-term care and retirement homes in Ontario. If you have a family member who has been mistreated, injured or has passed away due to negligence in a Long-Term Care or a retirement home you may be entitled to bring a lawsuit. These lawsuits can be individual claims brought on behalf of you and your family, or, you may be entitled to participate in a class action claim.
We are here to help you determine what rights and recourse you and your family have. If you have a loved one who has suffered in a long-term care or retirement home contact us today for a completely free consultation with one of our lawyers to learn more about your options.
We have been at the forefront of advocacy for the elderly in Long-Term Care since the founding of our firm. You can reference our Open Letter to the Minister of Long-Term Care back on April 2, 2020 demanding action long before widespread reports of negligence surfaced in the media.
Investigation of Long-Term Care Wrongful Deaths and Negligence Claims
We will investigate claims in relation to long-term care and retirement home neglect and negligence across all of Ontario (over 650 LTC Homes). In particular, we have been actively investigating claims against:
- Almonte Country Haven
- Altamont Care Community
- Anson Place Care Centre
- Carlingview Manor
- Chartwell Ballycliffe Long Term Care Residence
- Cooksville Care Centre
- Downsview Long Term Care Centre
- Eatonville Care Centre
- Extendicare Guildwood
- Extendicare Laurier Manor
- Forest Heights Long Term Care Home
- Hawthorne Place Care Centre
- Humber Valley Terrace
- Ina Grafton Gage Home
- Midland Gardens Care Community
- Mon Sheong Home for the Aged
- Montfort Long Term Care Home
- Orchard Villa Long Term Care
- River Glen Haven Nursing Home
- Seven Oaks Long Term Care
- The Village of Erin Meadows
- The Village of Humber Heights
- The Village of Sandalwood Park
- West Park Long Term Care Centre
- Weston Terrace Care Community
- Woodbridge Vista Care Community
Advocai LLP is actively retained by family members of Long-Term Care and retirement home residents and we are investigating all potential actions relating to neglect, negligence, abuse and wrongful death in long-term care and retirement homes across Ontario. Contact Us for a free consultation regarding a potential Long-Term Care lawsuit.