Our firm offers a unique crisis management service designed to guide the sick, injured and elderly (and their families) through a medical crisis to ensure they have a chance at the fullest possible recovery.
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Contact us for more information about our services and to discuss your claim.
At Advocai LLP we understand that when a health crisis arises, it can be a very stressful time for patients and their families. Older adults, in particular, often struggle to access the proper treatment or transition to the appropriate level of care. This can have dire consequences for their recovery.
Although every situation is different - our services will be catered to your family’s specific needs. As lawyers, we can advise and advocate for patients to ensure that they have access to the appropriate care and all the information necessary to make informed decisions. We also advise substitute decision-makers on their duties and obligations and we can help mediate family disputes.
An older adult who has a health crisis often requires a lot of help and support. Family members often find it challenging and overwhelming to navigate the healthcare system for their loved ones. People often have questions related to hospital fees, access to different levels of care, quality of care, home care options and whether they have the authority to make decisions on the patient’s behalf. We can answer all of your questions and help you develop a plan moving forward.
We work with a network of professionals who can help you explore different care and living arrangements and facilitate the transition process. We offer all of the tools necessary to help guide you through a stressful emergency hospital admission to your discharge home or to the next level of care.
Ready to find out more?
Contact us for more information about our services and to discuss your claim.